Ninja! Life in the sticks: Attempts at youth

Life in the sticks

My Kids: Thoughts about China, adoption & The Duke's of Hazzard

Monday, March 27, 2006

Attempts at youth

Two weekends ago I hosted a get together at my house in the woods for my "gang" from highschool. Some of these people I'd not seen in over 10 years. Crazy, and at the same time inexcusable since most everyone lives within an hours drive.

We had a great time whereby we started out pretending we were all responsible 30 somethings with perfect children and lives. The night ended with the children digging their way to China and some husbands kissing wives that weren't theirs. This was highly reminiscent of high school. At any rate, here are some photos of people you don't know, but make me smile.

Bubba Jr rules the teeter totter since he outweighs all others.

Two of the dads. The dad in the short sleeved shirt is a stay-at-home dad. Interestingly, the child he's holding doesn't belong to him. Hm...

The girls! I'd like to say the tall skinny one with light hair is me. Alas, no. I'm the second from the left with the moon-pie face.

Two sweeties!

Silly boy!

It's chilly mama!

I don't like you Clyde!

The youngest sweetie at the party!


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