Brain Dump
I see I haven't posted in a while. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, rather I have too much.
So, prepare for my virtual mind-dump:
Sometime ago, even the month of this occasion eludes me, Bubba Jr. Discovered the infant feeding chair. I held onto it since my sis always seems to have a child that fits it. Anyway, you know kids are always tickled by pretending to be a "baby." I laughed so hard when he put this on and then started walking around with it attached to hit bottom. Kinda reminded me of Aunt Fannie from Robots.
I realized with much dismay that we STILL do not have a family picture. To correct this infraction, I asked my dad to take a picture of our happy family of four.
Well. 3 outta 4 aint bad.
T-Ball is officially over for the year. Bubba enjoyed it very much. Here's a picture of Bubba running the bases. He's #3.
Is it just me, or would anyone else rather hear a Barney song than Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" one more time?
The kids enjoy swiping my camera and taking their own pictures.
Two from Bubba Jr.:
And two from Charleightra:
(Lawd, look at my chin! Next time I'm going to ask Charleigh to cut MY chin off, not hers!)
Too much flash in this picture, but I thought she looked so cute, I had to post it!!
Last night was the end of the year program for the school where the kids go. I don't have the pictures developed (yes, I am one of the two people on earth who doesn't have a digital camera) yet. All the classes sang two songs complete with costumes and "moves." After the variety show was the Pre-K graduation. All the kids wore little caps and gowns (men's white button ups turned around). They were so precious! I can't believe Bubba's going to be in Kindergarten soon..... boooohooooo!!!
Last Saturday was the 'Lympics for our family. We started the day off with a final T-ball game followed by an awards ceremony at Chick-fil-A. After that we headed over to Clyde's work where they were having "Customer Appreciation Day." We ate lunch there, the kids jumped in the bouncy house and Clyde got to crank up a race car. I have pictures of that, but they are yet to be developed... We left Clyde's work and headed over to a pool party about 45 minutes from our house. The kids got to get a little wet. They all (we had my niece too) had their swimsuits and enjoyed splashing around in the pool. Bubba & Charleigh stayed on the pool steps. After that, quick change and then off to Hugh & Sonia's for an adoption get together. Hugh and Sonia are leaving for China next Thursday for their sweetheart Kailee:
Isn't she precious????
Here's another picture I swiped from Greg & Daphne.
Another blog to watch is Cindy & Jimmy's blog. They leave on June 8th to get their sweetie pie:
I hope everyone has a SAFE and happy holiday weekend!!!